So a few days or so after I wrote my last post, I talked with my mom about stuff, and started to feel better :). What I really had was anxiety, and I feel like now that I know what’s been bugging me, I don’t have to try and figure it out and can start to feel better about myself.
Many of those self-deprecating and hopelessness thoughts have subsided, but one thing that’s remained is those weird unethical urges. If you read my previous posts, you should have an idea of what I'm talking about, and I think I've found a way of describing it too. If you've ever been near a cliff, and you know you can't fall off it, you get this weird urge to fall off it, like something's pushing you, even though there isn't. That's sort of like how it feels sometimes, like there's some urge to punch someone when there isn't one at all.
Anyway, that'll probably be it for a while. I'll be in college in three months (oh boy), and I'll probably have enough fun that I won't need to update this blog too much, unless I'm posting some philosophical thing lol.
Thanks as always for reading!
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