B I T C H Where do I even start. I've been sitting on this blog for about 5 days now and MAN, Writing a blog about myself ? EW. My profile doesn't do my personality justice or whatever. I'm more than just simple brief bullet-points and tiny segments. A bitch is a little more compilated than that around here OKAii lol. Lets start with, like, the basics and go from there. Before I even keep going, I will literally pay $10 USD if anyone guesses my real name ! LMAO Well, I go by the name Joey, duh. Its a name that has stuck with me since Middle School. Reminder, I am 23, MS was like 100 million years ago or something here in Los Angeles, Cali. Born and Raised BABY! -- Reality ? Its a Dump In the last few years I've been relocating and traveling out side of LA & Cali. This place made me who I am today but, I need to get the FUCK out of here. Traveling, experiencing and exploring. Really trying to figure out what I really want. The world is too big to stay in a city that is rotting from the inside- out. Build a foundation in a place where I can focus, do better, be better, not only mentally but physically as well. I spend a lot of my time reflecting, brainstorming on life itself - To Move With Purpose. 'I Love The Place That I Live, But I Hate The People In Charge' - Immortal Technique. In the Past few years I've also tried to expand my music taste. Personally, I'd like to think I was already pretty damn versatile. I would focus so much of my time strictly listening to 'Rock' (I am using this as an Umbrella Term) & Rap. However, in simple terms it doesn't sound like much. -------However, 'Rock' I mean, Death Metal, Doom Metal, Psychedelics, Glam Metal, Speed Metal, Thrash Metal, Black Metal, Punk, Folk Punk, Ska-Punk, Ska core, Black Thrash Metal, Rock En Espanol, Psychobilly, Horror Death Punk, Groove Metal, Nu Metal, Power Metal and the list can go ON. Variety to me ? Yes. To others ? No. lmao On the other hand, Rap or Rap related? I enjoy Old School Rap, Hip-hop, Soul, R&B, Oldies, & the TINIEST pinch of trap?? I think ? its hard to stay away from that shit now and days lmao. POINT BEING, I'm trying to expand this list I have into a bigger one. Be more open minded about other music that could potentially enlighten me? Use it as a gateway to a masterpiece, like if I having found it already ? I promise not to be all judgy but it would be nice to have some music recommendations? Please and Thank You. I will be making another blog about my top 5 bands in Each of the categories I listen for metal. Might help others to have an open mind as well ? Fingers crossed. With traveling and a combination of me being, Me, Its been pretty difficult to sticking to absolutely anything. Stability, Who? lmfao. It happens for a million reasons I'd like to think. No matter what these reasons may be, what I do know for sure is that these feelings and decisions start with me. I have been back in LA from Seattle, Washington for about 4-5 months now. I've been trying to pick up my old hobbies or even create new hobbies. For example, Writing on here for fun, for thoughts, for me. Even though this blog is about myself, It's nice to just let out some thoughts and put my energy into something. Prove to myself that I do care, I always have, Its just been difficult to express any type of emotion - its borderline embarrassing. I also started a new job ! First day was Wednesday and I go back in tomorrow so that's a plus :) I would like to see Work as a hobby rather than an obligation. I just want to focus on Writing, Work, Work-out, Go to the Library, Art, Save Money, and focus on my Mental Health Because I Am Nothing Without Me. <3 <3Thank you to everyone who read this far! <3 - Joey GG
I will be posting more frequently ! Updates, Thoughts and just about anything. :) Have yourselves a goodnight, morning, evening? Who knows lol
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