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Category: Writing and Poetry

06/10/2021 Castiel Haiku and Introduction.

Todays Date: 6th of October 2021
Time: 5:30pm

So this is my first day of SpaceHey.

I have no idea what I am supposed to do.

I guess I will start off by saying Hello. I already did that in another post but oh well.

Hello Humans.

Hello anyone else that does not classify themselves as Human.

My name is Catstiel. It is not my real name, clearly.

I am alive, remarkably and so I thought I should make something of this time I have.

Here is my Haiku for today themed around my favorite fallen angel from Supernatural, this piece has 7 parts and tells my interperetation of Castiel Falling from grace.

As I fall from grace
sparkling lights in air 

Light escapes the tips
Energy fuels, the fire grows
beconing my end

Flames burn, flickering
feathers to ash and seed
the plumes of smoke grow

Empty plains apear
sparce tree's dotted the landscape
below me there lies new life

Tossing the crust
revealing dirt and soft clay
plant life apon earth

Sealed away my eyes 
within my falling rests a hope
Thunderous I crash

No more a soldier
Neither man nor monster here
Emptyness is all

I hope you enjoyed this piece about Castiel the angel from Supernatural, please note I am not religious but I happen to adore the character Castiel from Supernatural, he is one of my biggest inspirations due to his character development and change for the love of humanity.
 - Catstiel.

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