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Category: Life

june 2nd 2022

hi um this is basically about my day and what i thought about it

my mom woke me up and i was really tired,tired that usual anyway she drove her boyfriend mike to something idek but she had to leave asoon as she woke me up so that made me upset but atleast i could listen to loud music while i got ready right??anyways my mom got me knew headphones and i needed them desperatly so i got rlly rlly excited when she brought them home yesterday >.<

anyways i got onto the bus and then i talked with one of my bestfriends mike.hes one of the only ones that stayed and honestly i'm grateful for that!i got to school and my lock just stiff so i thoughtni broke it again thank god i diddnt i would have been so upset and would have got introuble bestfiend sal didn't talk to me this morning,it idnt a usal thing it really just means he prob doesn't wanna talk to me of is having a panic attack or smt. he told me that when that  happends to not help him it'll just make it worse so i didn't bother.

skip everything bc my first 3 periods were boring XD
i had a mini mental break down in gym i thought everyone hated me exspecislly my boyfriend. b4 that happend tho i went to go talk to him across the field(it was a soccer field so i just walked over there) and he was talking to me ex bsf.i rlly hate her she forgives my boyfriend but not me???like what the hell,they are really touchy and i don't rlly like that as any other human being would so i didnt end up talking to him.he l8er cam up and talked to me and i was happyier but i was still upset.we switched to basketball and all 3 of us were on the same team and me and my ex bsf were good like the only 2 good people on the team.i l8er ended up sitting out because it was just 2 much and i saw my bf and ex bsf touched forheads and it made me upset and that's when i had my mental breakdown.we then did kahoot and i won because i'm a god at kahoot.

anyways that was my dad yes i have trust and jealous ishues and i overthink alought so

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