Are prime numbers real?

So y’all know like prime numbers, numbers that can only be given if multiplied by 1 and itself?

Yeah so are they real?
Because 2 is a prime number and 0.5x4 equals 2 does it not?
So it’s not a prime number if you can get it when multiplied by a number other than 1 and itself

And like square roots go out of its way to disprove prime numbers.
Like the square root of a number is what number times itself will give you the number in the radical sign. So the square root of 5 (a prime number) is 2.2360…. So we can say that 2.2360…. Times itself is 5, proving that 5 is not a prime number, since there are more than two factors and there are more ways to get 5 than just multiplying by 1 and itself. 

It’s 2:45 am so I’m sleep deprived and tired but if you get what I’m tryna say lmk😭

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Holly Neglett

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its defined by natural numbersnot just any number
Nerd alert

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