U won't believe what's happened...

So I've done quite a bit of research, trying to figure out a way that I can get my computer back. Technically, my computer still worked, I just had to plug it in for it to do so. The battery is dead btw :( Turns out, I can still use it! I was just rlly worried that if I used it that it wouldn't work anymore. But guess what guys! I AM TYPING DIS ON MY COMPUTER!!! It's a gud day 2 be me XD I also joined a kandi kid group. Okay, byeeee kewl kids!! LOlz!

2 Kudos


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Raine's Happy Space

Raine's Happy Space's profile picture

notice how i gave you 2 kudos instead of 1? /j

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ofc I did

by B’s Crazy Place XD; ; Report