Feel welcome to copy/paste this questionnaire and fill out your own answers.
Follow the link below to find the blank form:
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1. What do I remember from the early years of my life?
Traumatic moments? Simpler times. Being shorter than the doorknobs...
2. What do my friends like best about me?
I've been repeatedly told that I "have good vibes" although I have to disagree.
3. How is my memory these days?
Not great! 😂
4. What is my purpose in life?
I think my purpose is to contribute positivity to the world around me.
5. What motivates me in my career?
Money... not being homeless or starving? 🙃
6. If I could change anything about myself, what would it be?
My personality.
7. Would I rather watch: action, romance, fantasy, or horror?
Out of these choices, I'd pick horror. My preferred genre is comedy.
8. Do I forgive others easily?
Not at all.
9. What did I learn from success?
Success? Who is she?
10. If I could change one thing about myself, what would it be?
Uhhh still my personality?
11. Who do I look up to?
Artists who unapologetically love their own work, like Yurie Sekiya.
12. Am I afraid of a challenge?
13. What impact do I want to have on the world?
Again, my goal is to add some level of positivity to the world around me.
14. Do I have a special talent that surprises people?
I can make really good paper airplanes!
15. Where do I like to go to relax or hang out?
Straight to my bed.
16. What annoys you?
My talkative coworkers.
17. Who inspires me?
My partner inspires me to be the best version of myself.
18. What is my biggest dream?
Financial stability and a home on the Oregon coast.
19. How do I view my own personal history?
Not so great! Let's sweep all that shit under a rug.
20. Who influences me?
The people I surround myself with, which is usually my roommates and coworkers.
21. How do I want people to feel when they are with me?
22. What is my biggest fear?
My marriage crumbling apart someday... 💔
23. What do people know about me that I would not consider to be a pet peeve?
I don't understand the question?
24. What is my favorite occupation?
I've hated every job I've ever had. 🙃
25. What kind of a person am I?
26. Am I an introvert or an extrovert?
I'm an introvert mainly due to my autistic burnout and fatigue.
27. What do I value in life?
Joyous moments. 🌞
28. What does it mean to be a real man/woman?
Nothing, it has no meaning to me.
29. What is the best thing I have ever done?
Continuously made efforts to correct my unhealthy thought patterns and behaviors.
30. What was the worst?
In 2012, my friend attempted to take his own life due to the trauma I caused him.
31. When you greet someone who you haven't seen for a while, what is your first thought about them?
My first thought isn't about them; it's anxiety about how they're perceiving me.
32. What things do I really admire about other people?
Their confidence.
33. What are my top 3 values?
Patience, Open-Mindedness, and Communication.
34. When did I feel really proud of myself?
I feel proud of myself whenever I successfully set boundaries with others.
35. What characteristic would I like to possess but do not?
Good skin? Straight teeth?
36. What is my favorite subject to read?
Science Fiction. (Especially novels written by Michael Crichton.)
37. What did I fear when I was young?
I was afraid of evil spirits.
38. What is my biggest regret?
I regret hurting other people.
39. If you went back to school, what would you like to study?
I've got too many interests. Birds, perhaps? Ornithology. 🐦
40. What do I value most in a friendship?
41. Am I at peace with the past?
I like to tell myself that I am, but I've got a long way to go.
42. What drives me crazy?
Hypocrisy, mosquitos, and overbearing Christians who don't respect boundaries.
43. What would people who know me well say is my greatest fault?
My selfishness?
44. What motivates me to achieve my goals?
My partner. I want a happy future with him, so he keeps me focused.
45. What are my top values?
Communication, patience, and open-mindedness. ✅
46. What did I learn from failure?
I learned to have patience with myself... and to not do that shit again!
47. What was the best thing that happened to me last week?
Taking a 5-day vacation off from work!
48. Am I a tidy person or a messy one?
I am a 100% NEAT FREAK. 🧼
49. What do my friends respect me for?
I have no idea. Sometimes I don't feel like many of them respect me.
50. What is my favorite hobby?
Playing Pokémon Go with my partner.
51. What characteristics do I most deplore in other people?
Narrow-mindedness, excessive pettiness, etc.
52. Do you prefer country or city living?
Neither tbh. I live just on the outside of a town, and it works well for me.
53. What advice would I give to a younger me?
I don't know. I wish I came out of the closet a lot sooner. I waited until I was 16...
54. Where would I go to eat: sushi, Italian, Mexican or steakhouse?
Mexican all the way! 🌮🌯
55. What do I most enjoy about my day-to-day life?
I spend 100% of it with my fiancé because we work together now.
56. What do I like best about my job?
I can wear any clothes that I want and have face tattoos. 🤪
57. If you could choose one moment from your childhood to relive, what would it be and why?
I would never want to do this lol.
58. What has been the most interesting experience I have had?
Fuck I dunno, anal sex while high on mushrooms? That was interesting. 🍄
59. What do I wish I had achieved?
Total confidence.
60. What are 5 adjectives to describe me?
Queer, tired, autistic, crafty, bald.
61. What do I respect about myself?
I respect my own interests, even when others find them cringey.
62. What is the best piece of advice I have ever been given?
Lie on your resume and/or rental applications? 🤫
63. What is the best legacy I can leave?
"Zack made me question everything I thought I knew about ____"
64. Who would I trust to give me good financial advice?
Somebody who began life impoverished like me.
65. How do I feel about failure?
Sometimes indifferent, sometimes shitty.
66. What am I most proud of?
I'm proud of the changes I've made to improve my own life.
67. Who am I?
I am a multi-faceted creature on a journey of introspection.
68. What would someone close to me say is my greatest achievement?
Cutting my father out of my life? LOL I don't know.
69. What do I do to destress?
I lay on my bed and doom-scroll on my phone... or catch Pokémon.
70. What did I like to do as a child?
I liked to draw and/or play with plastic reptiles outside in puddles. 🦎🐸🐢
71. What is the most recent thing that made me feel proud?
Idk. Pride isn't one of my more common emotions...
72. What types of cars do I like to drive?
I don't drive. 🙃
73. What am I best at?
I'm best at being me.
74. Who is the most interesting person I know?
Maybe myself. Maybe my roommate, Kevin. 🤔
75. What would I do if I could be invisible?
76. What personality traits do my best friends think I possess?
I don't know, and I don't care that much.
77. What made my childhood a happy one?
My childhood wasn't happy LOL.
78. What have I done that I'm most proud of?
Again with the pride questions? I am not a prideful person!
79. What do I look for in friends?
Compatibility, mostly. I prefer friends who are some flavor of neurodivergent and queer.
80. Am I more in touch with my strengths or my weaknesses?
Uhhh, I'm not sure I understand this one.
81. What makes me happy?
Cute animals, my fiancé's laughter, and finding a good stuffed animal at the thrift store.
82. Who did I look up to growing up?
I don't recall looking up to anyone during childhood.
83. Who influenced me most and why?
Umm possibly my father? As a kid, I mean. I got all my bad traits from him. 🙃
84. What do I do best?
What a silly question. I don't know, fill out useless questionnaires on my weekend?
85. What was a really special moment in my life?
Getting engaged to Jacob. 💍💍
86. What should I have been doing with my life?
Saving more money...
87. What is my family like?
Very mentally ill on both sides. At least 3 murderers on my dad's side. 🤪
88. What did I learn from my parents?
Nothing worthwhile. I feel like I raised myself.
89. When is the last time I cried and why?
I became overwhelmed when a friend disrespected my boundaries while I was already feeling emotionally drained. This was over a month ago.
90. What am I worst at?
Speaking clearly.
91. How do I like to work?
By myself, at my own pace with no interruptions.
92. What do my co-workers respect me for?
I have pretty good attendance.
93. If I could only speak one language for the rest of my life, would it be the one I speak now?
Ugh, no if I got to choose any language, I'd rather speak to birds or something.
94. If I was an animal, what kind of animal would I be and why?
A deer! I am otherkin, specifically deerkin. I'm already a deer. 😊🦌
95. What do my clients respect me for?
Uh, I've only had "clients" when taking art commissions, and I hear they appreciate my quick turnaround time and clear communication.
96. What is the earliest memory I have?
I remember being an actual baby in a stroller and hearing my aunts say, "Aww such a cute little baby!" and I remember thinking, I'm no baby! Even though I literally was??? I believe in reincarnation, though. I think part of me remembered being an adult previously.
97. What do I love about myself?
I love how far I've come on my journey of introspection and enlightenment.
98. What are 2 things that I am really good at?
Jumping to conclusions and making paper airplanes.
99. Who would you like to be when you grow up?
I think it's a little late for that... 😭
100. What do I do to unwind?
I lay in my bed and scroll through twitter. Sometimes I nap.
101. What is my perfect Sunday?
Well, I work on Sundays, so no Sunday will ever be perfect.
102. Do I prefer a Mac or a PC?
PC because I've never owned a Mac, but my ex had one and I kinda hated the layout.
103. How do I want to be remembered?
I would rather be forgotten LOL.
104. What is the best business advice I have received?
Don't put all your eggs in one basket?
105. Where is the best place that I've ever traveled?
I haven't found it yet.
106. What do I want to be remembered for?
Such a redundant question. I'd rather be FORGOTTEN.
107. What do I think about my childhood?
I try not to think about it! 🙃🙃🙃 That shit wasn't right.
108. What do my customers like best about me?
I don't work with the public. 😅
109. How good of a friend would I say I am?
I'm a damn good friend, but only to the right people. A very select few.
110. If I could build my dream home from scratch, where would I put it?
Possibly somewhere in Sweden... 🏠
111. What is the wisest decision I have made?
Wise? Dumping my abusive ex, Taylor. 🤪 Saved myself from a lifetime of misery.
112. Do I have a good imagination?
I used to, but I have a lot of brain fog nowadays.
113. How do I see myself in 10 years?
I will be 35, sooo... I see myself (hopefully) living in a mid-sized coastal town with my husband, and maybe we'll have a dog or a cat by then. And hopefully we'll have jobs we actually enjoy. And I will have more tattoos.
114. What is my life mission?
To be better than the person I was yesterday.
115. What is the best thing I have achieved in my life?
It's actually too personal to share!
116. What would they say is your greatest weakness?
Who is they? My greatest weakness is my inability to stop spending money.
117. If I could change one thing about my life, what would it be?
Only one thing??? I guess I'd change uhhh my job? Sadly, I can't. I wish I could afford to move back down to part-time so I can manage my chronic fatigue better. 😔
118. What is the most important lesson I have learned in my life?
Change is inevitable, so don't get too comfortable.
119. When was I happiest?
In 2020, my partner and I went on a month-long psychedelic binge with our buddies, and our friend circle was all fun and good vibes at the time. We partied so much and made so many wild memories. A lot has changed since then, but I know happier times will come again.
120. Who do I spend time with and why?
Mostly my fiancé. We keep our social circle small nowadays, but it works for us.
121. What do I like most about myself?
I like my kindness, I guess.
122. Why is it important to me to make a difference?
Somebody's gotta do it! If every single person lived passively and did nothing to create positive changes, society would be completely stuck.
123. What did I want to be when I grew up?
Haha, I think I was one of those "artist" or "veterinarian" kids.
124. What do I fear?
I fear not being good enough. I fear losing Jacob.
125. What is my most treasured possession?
Oh wow. Uh, I'm not sure? I feel like all of my possessions are replaceable.
126. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Vanilla! Just plain ol' fucking vanilla.
127. How have my goals and dreams changed?
Ever since I met Jacob, my life path has shifted entirely. I used to live solely for other people, but now I live for myself, and I desire to build a happy life with Jacob. ❤️
128. What is your favorite type of music?
Currently I'm really into heavier stuff, like Shadow of Intent.
129. Who do I look up to and why?
I feel like this question has been asked already. I look up to MYSELF.
130. What have I done that my best friend would consider to be embarrassing?
Everything I do is embarrassing. 🤪
131. What accomplishments will I be most proud of 10 years from now?
Hmmm moving out of a trailer park and into a super nice neighborhood with the best roommates I've ever had. That was a step up.
132. What activities do I like to engage in as a solitary activity?
Filling out stupid questionnaires on my laptop! I also like making offensive kandi bracelets.
133. What would your co-workers say is your greatest strength?
Oh gosh. I don't believe 90% my coworkers really like anything about me LOL.
134. How good am I at acting?
I'm terrible at it!
135. What has been my biggest challenge so far in life?
Overcoming trauma. It has held me back SO MUCH. It's unbelievable.
136. What time of day do I feel most energized?
P robably around 9:00 AM. I'm a morning person.
137. What characteristics do I most deplore in myself?
All of them. All of my characteristics LOL.
138. What is my proudest achievement?
AGAIN with the prideful questions!? I am not prideful oh my god. I'm proud that I haven't quit my job even though I hate everything about it.
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