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Category: Blogging

Second Survey I Stole Today

1. What are your plans for the upcoming weekend?

- I just had the weekend. It nearly killed me. Let me catch my breath for a minute before we talk about the next one.

2. Is there anything that you need to get off your chest?
- Just this shirt hiding the big red 'S' and cape underneath.

3. Is there anywhere you rather be? Where?
- Beach, warm sunny beach

4. Who is the first person that you know will respond to your messages asap?
- Nobody I know responds very fast

5. Is there a secret that you need to get off your chest?
- It wouldn't be a secret then, would it, Mr FBI/NSA phisherman? Anyway, you just asked me this in #2.

6. Did you recently go out on a date with the person you like?
- My wife and I took her mother out to eat  the other night. Wheee

7. What is one of your biggest pet peeves?
- If I give you my house phone number and tell you to call my house phone don't call my cell phone and then bitch that you didn't reach me 

8. Name one unpopular opinion of yours:
- I'm a Cowboys fan, a Christian, and an Auburn fan. Lots of people will find a reason to get mad about any one of those 3.  And if you REALLY want to get into unpopular or debatable, we could talk politics. But I specifically avoid that here because I don't want to talk about it.

9. What are you excited about?
- I'm just stressed

10. When was the last time you cried? Why?
- I'm just stressed beyond stressed

11. Has the person you like ever made you upset?
- Yes, see #10

12. What song are you currently listening to?
- Just the lovely ringing in my ears at the moment

13. Are you an early bird or night owl?
- I have always been a night person. Its in my DNA. They did research and proved it.

14. Which books are you currently reading?
- See, I linked my Goodreads account to my profile and since I read several books at a time maybe if you really cared about this answer you might go check that out

15. Name one of your best features:
- I usually warn people before I fart

16. Who are your best friends?
- You are, little buddy!

17. Do you think your best friends would ditch you if they were to get a boyfriend/girlfriend?
- Well, one of them got married and I also got married, but so far we're all still mostly friends so ... no. I mean, it depends on the boyfriend/girlfriend and how controlling they were.

18. Has a friend ever betrayed you in the past?
- Well, yes, I guess so. I started to say the people who betrayed me were never my friends, but ... life happens

19. What is one thing people automatically notice about you?
- Um, I'm a dork? I don't know. Probably the dornkess. I'm the Prince of Dorkness. "I want to suck your hitpoints!"

20. What is one feature that you enjoy from the person you like?
- Um, what? I guess the fact that most of the time if I say "I love you" she says "I love you, too". You'd be surprised how important that can be. Or maybe you wouldn't be surprised. Boo! Did I surprise you?

21. Does anyone know your deepest darkest secret?
- I really don't think I'm interesting enough to even HAVE a deepest, darkest secret. I mean, the government researched me pretty thoroughly for my job and they didn't find anything of interest, so how interesting could I be?

22. Is there anybody you wish to open up to but just can’t for the sake that they will judge you?
- Yes, I tried to open up to the Pope and he got all pissy when I told him that I'm a Cowboys fan so I stopped trusting him with my secrets after that. He's a Redskins fan, by the way, and yes, I am aware they no longer call themselves 'Redskins' but since I'm Cherokee I feel I have the right to call them that if I want to and you can't stop me.

23. Have you ever been out of the country?
- Yes, I have left via both the north and the south, but on separate trips, obviously. Canada is beautiful and so are all the people living there. Its like you cross from New York into Ontario and suddenly everyone gets better looking. Leaving Miami to go south into the Carribean wasn't like that, though. The people didn't get better looking. Miami has supermodels. So does Canada. Its sort of a tie between those two places as to who has more beautiful people. But I will say that the people in Puerto Rico really know how to throw a party. 

24. Did you ever wish on a shooting star?
- I'm usually just happy to see a shooting star. It never occurs to me to make a wish. Did you ever wonder if the dinosaurs wished upon a shooting star? I bet they wished they had made a wish on that last one, like "I wish it would miss the Earth entirely." Speaking of that, did you know that scientists recently discovered the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were very likely hit by a comet? 

25. Are you a Disney fan at heart?
- As a kid I liked Disney, but the company transformed into something entirely different since then and I am not a fan anymore.

26. If you either had the choice of being able to teleport anywhere or being able to read anyone’s mind, which would you pick?
- Teleporting would save me a fortune and eliminate rush hour entirely for me. Reading people's minds would mean knowing what everyone really thinks of me in real time and all of the time. I just don't think I want that.

27. Scenario: If you were getting unwanted attention by some creeper, would the person you like stand up for you?
- She would go Mike Tyson on her, but then she'd be furious with me as if it was my fault later on.

28. Scenario: You just became a celebrity, as people begin to know about you more, the person you trust the most starts sharing your darkest secrets for money, how would you react?
- My darkest secrets are pretty lame so I don't think they'd get enough money to do them much good. But yeah, that'd be the end of that relationship.

29. Favorite kind of soda?
- Orange Crush mixed with Sierra Mist

30. Favorite holiday?
- Either Billie or Doc 

31. Does your family have any traditions?
- Yes, we have a long standing tradition of mediocrity and despair

32. Do you currently work, and if so do you love your job?
- I work because I have to work. I do not love my job. If I won a big lottery I would quit working forever.

33. Would you rather go to California or Texas on vacation?
- I have never been to California and Texas vacations were always just about seeing relatives. I would love to get the chance to see California some time.

34. Do you call it fall or autumn?
- Either Or. Po-tay-toe po-tah-toe

35. Do you wear your heart on your sleeve or do you mainly keep your emotions to yourself?
- Being a guy I find that if I wear them on my sleeve I get targeted for attack by psychopaths more than usual, but sometimes the feelings may slip out anyway, like during a great Pink Floyd guitar solo. Is it abnormal to cry during a Pink Floyd guitar solo? 

36. Does the person you like, know that you like them?
- Yeah, she married me and I tend to remind her that I love her in case she forgets. Sometimes I throw flowers at her. I mean, bring her flowers.

37. How do they know?
- I told her so and married her and buy her stuff and do the dishes and laundry and clean the litterbox and stuff and them flowers

38. Can you fall asleep in a car?
- If it has a decent ride and decent seats I can. But I rode in a coworker's Chevy Spark once and I can tell you that ain't NO ONE ever gonna fall asleep in one of those.

39. Do you live in an area that gets all four seasons?
- I live in the South, so we get arctic blasts from Canada that freeze the batteries in our electric cars, then Spring comes and everything turns green but it won't quit raining. Then it gets SO HOT and the humidity just makes you want to die. Then rain again as it cools off and moves into Fall/Autumn. Then it gets cold and winter is officially here, but the REAL cold doesn't hit us until the dead last part of winter, like January/February. And if it is going to snow sometimes, just for a joke, it'll wait until the first day of Spring and then nail is with a foot or more of snow. God's sense of humor.

40. Are you self-sufficient?
- I do what I can

41. Are you closer to your mother or father?
- My father is dead and never liked me, but he was the only person I could talk to about important big-picture things. My mom just can't grasp that stuff. She's very much a small-picture person 

42. What do you think about people who cheat?
- They usually get elected to political office and then when people suggest that the cheating helped them win they throw a fit, like "would I do that???" all Urkle and stuff

43. When angry, do you get loud or quiet?
- My vocabulary tends to reach out and grab words that shock people and hurl them around the room

44. Do you have a best friend of the opposite sex?
- Yes, I suppose so

45. Ever been to a bar or club?
- Yes, it was a lot like MySpace in a way

46. Have you ever been in a secret relationship?
- Not sure what you mean, but maybe. I mean, I have friends that I don't tell other friends about because they'd get mad, but it isn't like I was doing something wrong

47. Have you ever danced in front of your mirror naked?
- No, I barely dance when required to do so, let alone dancing alone for no reason

48. Are your grandparents still alive?
- Not for a very long time

49. Ever been in a car accident?
- Yes, endless fun and excitement! And the Memphis drivers are always SUPER honest with the police about what happened, too. Yep. 

50. What is one thing that you fear?
- Someone like Al Capone controlling our government top to bottom

51. Done something you told yourself you wouldn’t?
- Undoubtedly. And it probably involved farting, too.

52. Ever laugh until something you were drinking came out your nose?
- I'm sure I have although I can't think of when the last time that happened was. Probably elementary school during lunch.

53. Are you afraid of the dark?
- Depends on your definition of the dark. Lights being turned off? No, not afraid of that. Absence of light meaning that the world is getting darker and more rotten? Yes. 

54. Do you watch a lot of tv?
- Depends on your definition of 'a lot'. I get home after work and Wife watches Wheel of Fortune. After that its sort of "what's available to stream?" Or else a DVD. Sometimes we have stuff that has to be done, so the TV is off. Sometimes we are tired and just sitting so the TV is on.

55. Are you currently in school?
- I am not technically in school, but because of my job and I am perpetually having to study or find classes that will teach me something specific that I need right now.

56. What car do you own?
- I own 6 cars. Be more specific.

57. Are you a good driver?
- I am an average driver. I am not a passive/aggressive cunt in a Camry looking for a fight with total strangers for no good reason and I am not a hyper aggressive lunatic trying to play NASCAR in rush hour with my pickup truck pulling a trailer. I am somewhere in the middle of those two extremes. And I tend to be very aware of the psychology going on in traffic at various times when people are agitated and just generally being jerks for various reasons. I find it fascinating how things like earthquakes and temperature changes affect people's behavior in traffic and how accurately I can predict it.

58. How long is your hair?
- By military standards it is considered long. By anyone else's standards it is not.

59. Last move you watched?
- Move meaning movie? I haven't seen an actual movie in awhile. Everything on streaming seems to be part of a series. So I don't know what the last actual movie I saw was. Holy cow, it has been a long time.

60. When is your birthday?
- Next year

61. If you could, would you upgrade to an iPhone 13?
- If you gave it to me for free I might, but I am not paying that kind of money for any phone. 

62. Do you like rollercoasters?
- I used to, but I haven't been on one in so long that I honestly can't say anymore.

63. Is there anyone that you never want to leave your life?
- Yes, but we don't have that kind of control over anything in this world

64. Are you satisfied with your life right now?
- Nope. Too much stress.

65. Are you in love?
- Yes, with my wife. I told her so this morning before I left for work.

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