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Category: Music

Thoughts on Harry's house ⤖

Hey girlies!! I haven't posted in agesss so sorry about that!

So since Harry released his new album, Harry's house, I've been listening to it non stop, i think it's really good, i was wondering about all your opinions on it, and maybe someone was wondering about mine..?

So I'm going to rate them!

Music For a Sushi Restaurant - 6/10 meh it's already getting slightly annoying ngl

Late Night Talking - 8/10 Really good and catchy

Grape juice - 7/10 Jump scare at the start but pretty good i guess, bit boring

As it was - 5/10 It was really good, but it's been taken over by tiktok 💔

Daylight - 5 1/2 /10 Gave me 2016 flashbacks at the little moany parts so it lost 1/2 a point

Little Freak - 10/10 I really love this song, underrated

Matilda - 20/10 I love it, there's no other song like it on this album, it's so incredible and
amazing 💗💖💓♥️

Cinema - 7/10 Kind weird idk

Daydreaming - 6/10 Again with the 2016 vibes?? It's a mix of sushi restaurant and daylight i feel

Keep driving - 9/10 Really cool, haven't heard of many people talking about this banger

Satellite - 8/10 Pretty cool

Boyfriends - 4/10 Sorry i don't like it v boring

Love of my life - 9/10 Love love love!!

In all seriousness, this album is really good, and I'm really a big fan of Harry, so in total, i give this album 9/10, only thing i would change is the weird noises in the background of like every song lmao x

Lmk your thoughts in the comments!!

Love, Maya xoxo

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Shit ass asf lol #fuckthatfoo

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Chief keef>

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