What's the point in good grades

     Honestly at this point what's the point in getting good grades. I don't really plan to go to college and the only thing that makes me want to do good in school is I want to make my family proud. But I guess I'm failing at that one since just because of this stupid thing I have to do in my algebra class and the fact I was quarantined I now have C's, D's, and F's. Only a few A's and one B. Of course I don't want to get in trouble with my school cause if I have bad grades then they can take away my ability to leave the cafeteria at lunch. Since I was quarantined I struggled to do my work for school. I struggle to stay attention on a regular basis but being at my house and not having someone there to help my learn it was way harder. I fell behind and I'm in a hole of bad grades now. I only have half a grading period to get it back up at least a little bit before grade cards come out. It doesn't help that I don't know how to talk to my mom about not being able to focus and that my anxiety is just getting worse and she still says I'm just shy and its a phase. 

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