Ok I came on here to ask since I dont want the person I'm talking about to see this since no one knows about this account, but does anyone have any advice on what to say to someone that's struggling with anorexia? Like comforting things and whatnot. Whenever they talk about it I never know what to say. They keep saying things like "Omg I just lost so much weight" and "I only had one meal today" and they refuse to get help or even try to get help because they say "Theyre too far gone" or "they dont need it".
They think that if they get help they won't be on guard anymore if anyone trys to hurt them. Whenever they talk about losing weight I always try to discourage them and everytime they do it or everytime they vent I feel so tired afterward and it's really starting to affect me. I really try to help but I feel like I cant do anything to help them.
I really don't wanna reject their requests when they wanna vent because that just reinforces their mindset of no one being there for them and I really don't wanna do that especially since I've been with them for over 3 years.
please just give me any advice or things i can do to help them. Their parents don't seem to care and I cant convince them to go to therapy.
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I don't deal much with anorexia or anorexic people, 8ut the least I can offer is to provide them with health lines and a place to talk a8out their issues if you're okay with providing that!!!!!!!! Just know whatever happens to them will never 8e your fault, and you're doing everything you can to help them. It's okay to give yourself credit for the hard work you put into it all. ::::)
It's o8vious you care a lot, and I hope your friend pulls through alr8 and manages to find help soon. Pressuring them too much might 8e counterproductive anyways since they might feel like they're disappointing you for not doing something they 8elieve they're incapa8le of doing. Stay patient and remem8er to respect your own 8oundaries too, there's still hope for 8oth of you guys. ::::)
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Thank you sm I've tried getting them on helpline but it didng work but thank you
by virovirokun; ; Report