It boggles my mind that people who have left a cult or religion still have the gall to be assholes to those who believe differently. As someone who has left the Jehovah's Witness cult, I found solace in the subreddit r/exjw and recently asked if anyone else was a witch and how they dealt with the feeling of fear that comes with practising something so different. The replies were, for the most part, very interesting and informative.
Except for a couple but that's bound to happen with any inquiry but especially with touchy subject like religion. Yet it was the throwaway account that I felt talked some sense to me. Like any person whose posts anything anywhere, I stand by what I say and tend to want to defend my beliefs yet this person said everything I wanted to say a lot better.
So if by some off chance that reddit account stumbles across this obscure post, thank you.
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