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Category: Life


Ya know I’ve got issues talking about my deep dark thoughts and I can almost never say things that I want to so I’ll start listing some shit out whenever I come across them on here. Maybe someone wants to read it and if not I guess you’re in the wrong place. 

So my friend/roommate moved out a while ago but he still comes around and acts like he lives in the place. He said he moved back in with his parents so he didn’t have to stress about his job and paying rent, but now is seemingly living rent free around the place. Now while he is a brother and I love him like one, I also have bills to pay to live in the house and him being there acting like he still pays the same bills really irks me. I don’t mind having him around but it’s bothering me when he brings his friends and new girlfriend to the place and practically tells them he lives in the place. 

I should probably just own up to it and start speaking my mind. 

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