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Summer is better than winter.

You know why I like summer better than winter?

Have you guys ever noticed how, like, In the winter you see fewer living things? Funny that. It's almost like organisms typically abhor freezing temperatures and at best only COPE with them. There's far more biodiversity in warm climates.

Some humans have convinced themselves they don't like the heat because the aesthetic of cold snowy winter days is cute and cozy, but it's a very recent thing. For most of human history, winter was a dark, cold, depressing, boring, bleak, MISERABLE time. And I realize I'm making some assumptions about people's thoughts, but winter fans have this annoying meme about "YoU oNlY lIkE SuMmEr bEcAuSe YoU DiDn'T hAvE ScHoOL WhEn YoU WeRe LiTtLe", so I get to do it too.

Also, FUCK the sun going down at like 5 PM. Just fuck RIGHT off with that shit. The short days in winter are the worst part. Even worse than the cold itself. So fucking sad and depressing. What the hell is wrong with you people who actually enjoy that shit? I pity you.

Anyway. The final word is that there's a direct correlation between amount of time someone spends indoors and whether or not they like summer. People who work or play outside overwhelmingly prefer summer.

In conclusion, I think you only like winter because you don't go outside. Those of us who do fucking hate winter.

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frogteeth64's profile picture

I love going outside and I love winter and I love the cold. I barely ever go outside during winter but I'm always wanting to be outside during winter and fall. There are good things about spring and summer. I like the flowers and stuff but I can't be outside for very long before feeling like I'm melting. One summer I helped my grandma's friend in her garden for an hour and when I got home my clothes were soaked in sweat. During winter and fall I rake leaves for fun because the weather is so nice. One time it snowed here and it was the best. I spent the whole week outside playing with my friends.

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