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Category: Music

Ranting about MGK here so my IRL Friends don't have to hear it-

(I love how this is my first blog post)

Ever since the recent stuff happened I've been trying to figure out how mgk got popular, like was it from a song or just all the controversies his been in. It's also funny to me how he was in one genre of music and started beef with one the biggest people in it just to go to another one and do the same shit. (and that being said i know the genres between slipknot and him aren't the same, but the pattern of him starting beef with people that could ruin his career is funny and is the point I'm trying to get across) 

It really seems like He does this for attention and just overall has this very- "it's my way or the highway, and if i don't get my way everyone's gonna pay" vibe. Even if people actually see this or not, I'm genuinely curious as to what other people think about this.

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d4nzigdec4y's profile picture

mgk sounds like if someone described scemo music to lil huddy and asked him to make a song based only on that description

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by G0at.C0rpse; ; Report