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Category: Music


So I got sick in March  and finally got rid of the cough today and I was trying to sing a song but I can't now and I'm sad because this has never happened after a cold I usually can sing  but this wasn't a cold this lasted for  2 months   and I don't know how to get my voice back when I try to use my tenor registry it breaks and than I have to stop to breathe I don't know what's wrong with me . My sister's the one who got me sick  but she didn't have this problem in fact she got rid of whatever she gave me in 2 weeks  also she doesn't sing  so I'm scared because music is  my passion and the only thing i want to do  need advice 🙃 😭

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So I found why I couldn't sing apparently somehow I got the virus that I have been avoiding by wearing my mask everyday somehow someone in my family gave it to me I just took a test on Sunday and it was positive

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