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Category: Life

entry 3 : drained

my last entry was only 3 days ago, it feels like its been weeks.

i dont have a sense of time anymore. one day will feel like three and then when the week ends i cant remember any of it.
ive been hallucinating more too, mostly auditory visuals. when i try to sleep i always here whispers and loud noises in my ears. ive learned to live with him though. i mean hes ok but it gets on my nerves when im just trying to sleep.
its 3:57 am right now, i havent slept at all. im supposed to get up at 7 for school.
i havent taken a shower in a while, last one i think i took was on wednesday, my body feels like a mound of oil and sludge.
dad is definatlly goinh to send me away again to the place if i dont act better. i dont want to go back there but im too tired to try and be better.

i didnt go to school on thursday and friday either, too much work.

ive just been scrolling through the wired as usual, it gives me a lot of comfort when i look at all the lights,
im sad they dont updaye it anymroe though. its still  very comforting.
ive probably been on it for like 8 hours now, looking at the same pages over and over.

i moved my figures off of one shelf and into ano i hear footsteps going down the hallway right now. mjust just be my cats although it was quite a heavy set footstep. 
imagine that mr.man actually exists, that would be pretty weird lol.
i also cant sleep be cause i never took my night meds cause my dad went to sleep without giving them to me and im not alowed to havve them in my room, he thinks im goin g to do something eith them. haha maybe ill feed it to mr.man lol

anyways as i was saying, i moved my figures off of one shelf and onto another one, idk why i was bored. i should be cleaning my room but i dont want to. i like the mess,.

my disposabke nicotine has been lasting a while so thats nice, they usuallty die after like 3 days or so. why do i ebern smoke in the first place? i dont temember

im just gonna go back t
i  hear knockjjng on my dooor looololol i shreally should be taking my meds
im just fonna go back to browing the web.

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