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Category: Blogging

How ivebeen recently ^w^

Its been awhile, I havent had the motivation to blog recently sorry ^^'

Anyways! I have over 100 hours in FNV now! 

I have a cool eletric scooter that matches with the new dye job I got! (Itz purple and ive never had my hair dyed before! Got it salon dyed bc I didnt wanna fuck up my hair, costed out the ass though.......its gonna last a hellaaaa long time they said bc its virgin hair. Like 6 months!)

Hm...what else? Oh yeah! Changed my art style a bit, check out my DA to see what I mean! I think its a nice change ^w^ 

I'm in a maaaaasive idol drawing mood. May make a new idol pair oc, or draw my ocs as idols. Prolly both! Ehehehehehehehe~ Gonna be writing more too, just been in a massive creative mood. I hope my art and writing do better soon w my art style change, I have hope...!!!! My friends liked the eye change so thats a good sign lol. They look so much livier now <3 <3 <3

Whaaaaat eeeelllllsssseeeeee? I don't think I've gotten into anything new, new per say. Got back into the VN our life. Maay do a review! Its suuuuper good. May also try live blogging new games. I tend to write down my thoughts as I play games anyways, might as well just liveblog lol. I already started the new stanley parable, but Im p sure i'm still missing some endings. Havent done the our life DLC or gotten far in fo3 and fo4 either...ALSO got FO(the original), fo2, and tactics. All I did in 1 and 2 was make my character, but I havent advanced beyond that, so I can liveblog those too.

Uploaded most of my fallout ocs to toyhouse too! Only a few arent listed, and I still need to make fullbody refs of some and fill in their bios ^^ ALSO GOT A NEW SUUUUPER CUTE PASTEL KEYBOARD!!!! ITZ LIEK A TYPEWRITTER AND EVERYTHINGGGGGG!!!!!

Got cute paint sets too...I luv cute thingz a lot lol ^^' I may dress in dark clothes but I luuuuuv cute thingz. Cute games, cute stationary, cute animals, cute clothes...it makez meh so happy!!! Cute stationary espcially....its so hard to find GOOD stationary sets in general, let alone cute ones...sanrio has the best. i want them so baddddd, their music themed stuff is so cute! And so is all of their mewkeldreamy stuffz! Goddd when iz the anime getting offically released overseas???? If it already haz lemme kno where I can watch it!!!! Its so cuuuuuttttteeeeeeeeeee

Got into eletric swing too! ...Well, I was always into it, I just never knew what it was called >.>' glad I know now so I can look for it! I never knew what to search for, it was always "modern classy music" to me ehehehehehe. Its so good and I wanna dance to it all day long.

I had mint chocolate icecream in coffee too! Its sooooo good! I love chocomint!!!! 

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