I wanna get rats again soooooo bad

I had 2 rats before, sadly they both passed; Daisy was more recent (this year). But I really want to get more rats, badly. A lot of my friends have rats and I’m thinking about asking one of them if I can buy two of their rats (context: their rat gave birth to 8 babies) but I’m still nervous about it and I need permission from my parents. I’m gonna start on cleaning my room this weekend (probably tonight, thats when I have enough energy and I have plans) but I plan on hanging out w my crush this weekend so I have to figure out what I’m gonna do with that. The pet store I go to, to get my animals a lot of the time is good quality and thats where I got my two incredibly sweet rats. The first rat I got was named “Chrysanthemum” named after a book and the flower. We had her for a while and she was so cuddly and sweet, never mean. Then we got Daisy later on, younger and a little mean to her sister but never to us. They were sweet rats and we loved them. Sadly when we lived at my old apartment Chrysanthemum got cancer and passed shortly after. Daisy became sadder but she got back in spirit. Then she got cancer too way later and passed one night and we made a big grave for her. Anyway I just want rats again.  

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Hiilu's profile picture

Omg I hope you can get some!! Rats are such babies I love them so much

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Thanks so much!! Rata are literally the best omg

by Juno 🎧; ; Report


Glitchy's profile picture

Am i not a good enough rat for you… ;(

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No L

by Juno 🎧; ; Report