Kittybean's profile picture

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Category: Life

100 question survey ☆



Whats your favorite Kind of pie?
apple (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧

Whats your favorite band/singer?
dunno i just listen to music if i can imagine sanrios to it (•_•)

Favorite fruit?

Favorite sport?
hate sport >:(

Favorite color?
every shade of blue !!

Favorite accesories?
earrings, rings and bracelets

Favorite way to do your hair?
hair so short it does it's own thing

Favorite hair style for guys?
mullet but like in a queer way

Curly hair or straight hair?
curly all the way

Would you ever get tinted windows so you could pick your nose without people seeing you?
yes but no i don't pick my nose nastys

Do you thing shampoo bottles should have directions?
yea bc one time my ma took the labels off the shampoo and i drunk it.. i was like 5 but yea,,

Skinny jeans or flare jeans
skinny jeans bc i got a phatty

Do you have braces
soon :(

What kind of computer do you have?
Microsoft gateway

When did you get it?
like few weeks ago

Are you single or taken
single but not lookin to mingle

Do you like going to the zoo
yea :D

Can you drive? If so what Kind of car do you have

What do you spend most of your money
im broketh

So tell the truth Do you like school? even just a little

Do you read?
yea i love to read (* ̄3 ̄)╭

Are you twilight obsessed
i used to be,,

Do you think its annoying when people say that the quiz is over at the end of quizzes?
not rlly

Myspace or facebook?

Do you know what the real meaning of random is?
..i dont??

Would you swim the ocean for Kelsey?
kesley can drown (whoever that is)

Are you sad about Michael Jackson's death?
didn't know the man

Have you ever been to a concert?

Why do people take surveys?

Are you a myspace whore?
never got to use the og myspace

Do you go on youtube?
yup i even got a rblx channel with my brother :D

Do you know the meaning of Christmas?
food?? idk

Do you Watch Charlie Brown
yea i used to read the comics when they came in the newspaper too

Can you apply Mascara with your mouth closed?
yea 😎

If you look behind you whats there?
d e m o n

Do you brush your teeth daily?

Do you have any cavities?
nope (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧

Have you ever broken a bone? if so how many?
broke my arm once o( ̄▽ ̄) then my sister fukin broke my Rist

Ever needed stitches?
yea i cut my foot open when i was 7 jumping on the bed in the dark. still think about why i did that and why glass was right next to the bed..

Do you still watch spongebob?
only the older ones the newer episodes can die

What time do you usually go to bed?
9pm i need my beauty sleep

Whats your wallpaper on your phone?
some night sky that turns to day

Do you text people often?

Do you have unlimited texting?

Are you a runner?
ehhhh no

Do you like mysterious guys? Or open guys?
open guys. idk something about a guy being emotionally mature and stable is hot

Would you ever get a tattoo?
fuk yea

How about snake bites?
the dream <33

Whats the song that describes your life most?
I don't look at song titles.. is that weird??

Have you ever been heartbroken?
yea my ex cheated on me bc i didn''t wanna do the nasty and when she did it anyway i didn't like it ,,, haha

Whats your favorite color of shoe?
black or greys bc i can never keep shows clean

Do you think advertisments are annoying?
they are always corny

Do you ever really pay attention to comercials?
sometimes yea

What color underwear are you wearing right now? If your even wearing some
bro what kind of question is that, that's really personal. pink.

Would you kiss some if you were going out with someone else?

What do you wish to accomplish before you die?
i don't wanna die a disappointment lmao

Are you afraid of death?
no, if anything deaths afraid of me

What kind of camera do you have
we cameraless

Are you having a good year?
no definitely not, but its getting better :D

Whats the highest number you've ever counted to?
like 2,000 as a punishment for eating my ma's food. had to stand in the corner for that shi

How old where you when you learned how to spell your last name?
like 3

Do you forget things easily?
what was the question?

Have you bought any new music lately?
not we broke

Does going to school make you nervous?
i don't go to school i do online 😋

Are you made fun of a lot?
.yea 〒▽〒

Are you overly truthful?
actually im a liar and a horrible one

Do you feel bad when you hurt peoples feelings (that aren't your friends)
yea :((

Do you know what 69 means?
yeah o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o

Have you ever heard of pon and zi?

How about happy tree friends?
love that show <33

Do you get angry easily?
yeah i got anger issues

Do you like the heat?

Do you wear glasses/contacts?
glasses (✿◡‿◡)

Would you ever be seen in limited too?

Can you do the math 12 x 7 in your head?
yes answer is- wait uhhhh

Is your hand cramping while taking this survey?
nah we strong []~( ̄▽ ̄)~*

Do you have a limited time to get ready in the morning?
yea got 30 min to sit at a desk for 8 hours

Do you have a celebrity crush?
Pharrell Williams

Do you think having celebrity crushes is weird?
kinda ? i just think theys hot and thats it

Have you ever met a celebrity?
i got a picture of me as baby with Micheel Jackson ig

Would you ever die your hair neon green with pink polka dots?
nah but that sounds cool i kinda want to now

Does your school have a dress code?

Are you allowed to listen to your ipod in school?
dunno either

Do you even have an ipod?

Are you afraid of falling in love?
yes. VERY

Have you been in love multiple times?
not sure if i know what love is at this point

Do you think you've found

Do you like harry potter?
no i had to watch all 7 movies on repeat and read the books bc my ma is OBSESSED

Do You still believe in santa?
no but my tias think i do so i play along for them <3

Can you count to 100
this bad boy can count so many numbers

Do you like using caps lock?

Is taking surveys fun for you?
yea helps me know who i am

Do you have big hands?
i like to think i do

Do you like guys with big feet?
idc as long as them grippers are clean

Do you like fred from youtube?
not anymore

Do you think its crazy that he has shirts at hot topic?
actually nver been to a hot topic

Do you like to do projects?
nooo i hate doing stuff

So what are you going to do after this?
finish my schoolwork

1 Kudos


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