Knowledge is “Power”

 It’s been nine years since I set out to learn everything I could about this world. It all started when I was young, bored, and naive. Studying was my escape from the world. When I studied, it didn’t feel like I was learning anything, more so as if I was just connected the dots of things sitting in my mind that I had already knew.

 Even as a child, I felt a sense of Deja Vú with each topic I studied. I wanted to master everything: master my personality, master my studies, and my demeanour. 

 The last of these was easy, as I was forced to learn formal etiquette and put it to practice every day. The fundamentals of etiquette were hammered into my mind and soul - to the point where I had to learn how to act casually.

 When I reflect on all I’ve learned, it begins to seem like it did more harm than good, but I’d prefer to know the truth even if it hurts. However, is this pursuit of knowledge truly selfish or is it just my way of proving myself worthy? 

 I begin to wonder if I’m truly intelligent since knowledge comes naturally to me. Whenever I’m invested in a topic, I can grasp almost every concept by only using context clues. I can make myself look like I understand things on a professional level - without needing any sort of extended training. Many people wish to process things this sort of way, but it makes me feel like I’m not actually doing anything productive. I’ve always been told I am intelligent but the older I get, the less I feel such a way. I think I just learnt things earlier than most, and now it doesn’t matter much because other people will catch up to me. 

 These thoughts do not come from an area of inferiority but rather confidence, because I still have the drive to be the best and to learn it all. I want to know how I can further my mastery and polish my skills and intuition. All that’s left is to pick my cards, my future, and to wait and see. 

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I too learn very quickly and have joked.. "I dont know everything but I know a little bit about a lot of things." Synthesizing information learned into actionable understanding, thats what they call intelligence. I guess I'm intelligent but at what cost. Im sure you understand what I mean. Being a father I have seen my children know things that no one taught them.. My youngest son for example taught himself how to read. Wait, I have questions.. How much knowledge are we born with? How do we access this? Where does it come from? Genetics? Spirit? Who knows. Cool to see there are other awake people out here

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I can relate somewhat as someone who was always good at learning, the only difference is that I decided to concentrate on creativity, art, and my emotional maturity, instead of knowledge. Still, I find it important to say that your drive for knowledge and the way you interpret your own intelligence can be used to analyze your personality on a deeper level. Was knowledge ever demanded of you? Did people subconsciously always expect you to succeed bc of your intelligence? Did you ever fail these expectations? I´m just sayin this bc you prob are really smart, but something in your mind is talking it down. Regardless, good luck on ur quest for knowledge, it only gets more confusing lol

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No one has ever actually held me to a standard to be smarter or better. I was pretty much a natural at everything I did from birth. I think my biggest obstacle right now is to tap in to the creative side of me. Everything I do is based on realistic facets and even my dreams are completely based on what I do in the real world. I used to be every imaginative as a child, but it's faded since I've reached adulthood.

by divine_pestilence67; ; Report