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Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities

Surreal Saturday: Bulgarian Treasure Planet

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  • Планетата на съкровищата
  • Planetata na sakrovishtata
  • The Treasure Planet

This is a truly surreal and trippy animated movie.

Made by Sofia Animation Studio, and directed by Rumen Petkov, the Treasure Planet was released in 1982, a full 20 years before Disney's adaptation. Petkov would go on to work on a number of Western animated programs, including a few Peanuts specials and a few episodes of shows like Duckman and Johnny Bravo.

The Treasure Planet.

Rumen Petkov.

The Wikipedia article notes, "Reception: Most viewers find it insane, nightmarish or just strange." It's strange in the most beautifully animated, scored, and written ways to me. The animation and direction remind me of Ralph Bakshi's movies, like this tries to emulate his style.

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