It's only been a few days since I've entered the Spacehey. Uh. Space. And, I'm quite enjoying that nostalgia. Myspace is that site that you didn't know what you had until it was gone. Facebook, to me, has become kind of run-of-the-mill maybe? Samey? Something in that area.
The good about Spacehey so far: (Hey, that's the title!)
- The customization
Oh how I've missed this. Getting on the FB and only having the cover and profile picture to constantly update bores me. I think you can customize where your sections go also, but, they're still just sections. The colors, replacing the background, the font. Seeing others' themes and their creativity is super neato. It's all like eating pizza, baby. Love it.
-There are no ads
That's just damn awesome. I'm soooo sick and tired of any and all sites shoving ads up our asses. Now, as this site garners more popularity, that could change down the road. But, I'm currently enjoying this portion of the ride.
-It's basically Myspace again
When you get new Comments or Friend Requests, you see that box on the home page that tells you this, and, the bell next to the notifications. Nostalgia salad, ftw.
There are things that could be improved on, like I can't automatically play music on the profile. Yet, anyway. And, I have no idea how old anyone is on here. I don't know how that could change either, but time can tell. I also don't really know anyone personally that uses it, but that could change over time as SH garners popularity.
Good times overall. Can't wait to see how much this site grows in years to come.
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