jester!!'s profile picture

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Category: Blogging

★ do not interact!!

These are non-negotiable!! If you try to push me on them, I will block you!! If you fit any of these, please leave/block me!!

☆ racists
☆ islamphobes
☆ antisemitics
☆ homophobes
(including lesbophobes)
☆ terfs
☆ super-straights
☆ transphobes 
(including towards enbies or
☆ pedophiles/maps
☆ pro-shippers 
☆ zoophiles
☆ murrsuiters
☆ ableists
☆ sexual assault apologists 
☆ users of unreclaimable slurs
(i.e. nb people saying the n-slur,
 nuerotypicals saying the r-slur)
☆ pro-ana
☆ fatphobes
☆ anti-vax/anti-mask
Once again, if you are any of the following, please leave/block me, I don't want to talk, "have a debate", or explain my reasons to you!!

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