
me and him met in 2021 September 13th (i think... idk when me and him met). me and him were in all of the same classes at school. we were in math class when he passed me a note that said something like "this teacher loud asf." (btw at this time we didint even know each other)  i wrote back on the note "fr.." and passed it back to him. we stared at each other for a while and then started to laugh, we didint even know why we were laughing either. we started to pass notes back and forth to each other for the rest of the class. i was honestly in love with this guy already. we had the same music taste, he was sooooo nice, we almost had the same style. every time me and him made eye contact i felt like there were tingles going through my whole body, i even tried to do a staring contest with him. i asked for his phone number, my heart was pounding out of my chest. he wrote his phone number on a little sticky note. we never really talked in any other class but math sadly. when i got home i ran to my room and put his number in my phone right away. i named him "amar." (if u dont speak spanish, amar means "love") i called him as soon as i sat down of my bed, i never thought that he would answer me but he did :). we stayed up all night together on face time, i really thought he was the love of my life. i got tired and told him that i had to go cause i was abt to go to sleep. he said ok and told me gn. as i was saying gn back to him, he said "love u". when i tell u that i was literally abt to cry, i mean it. i said that i loved him back and hung up. it was the next morning and i felt sick. i didn't go to school that day because i had a horrible headache. i called him that morning and told him i was gonna be absent, he was kind of upset but he got over it. (there was really nothing other then that, it was just basically that everyday... me and him are now bsf's and we hung out everyday ever since and dated for like 3 months but we broke up because we were mad at each other and had a argument, i dont remember why though, but thats basically it) 

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