if i tell u everything, u should know-

2017 June 12th, it all felt so fast, first it was going on a night walk and then i was in a hospital bed, it felt like there was boils and needles going through my whole body, cuts all over my back and thighs, hand print sores on my neck and arms, makeup wall over my face, screaming for help but no one was listening, i felt like i was in a 2 person dome of blackness with no noise but my lungs, blood was on my clothes, blood dripping on the floor, bruises all over, he was never in jail for what he did, he never got took down, i tried screaming louder but things just got worse, scrapes on my knees from the fall trying to run as fast as i could, blood all over the side walk and road, no one understood me, no one was there for me, no one wants to believe me, i was traumatized, scared to get out of the house alone, i should of covered up my skin, if i wore more clothes this would have never happen to me, i should of wore my hair down, he wouldn't of pulled it as hard if i did, never going out again, nothings fun anymore, im living in a hell hold full of men, i try to be as happy as i can so it wont be obvious, never going on a walk again.......    

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tell someone who trust, thats the first step, it wont be easy but i think things could get better for you. and rememver it is NEVER your fault, ok? what he did was his choise. and you didnt know what he was going to do, so it isnt your fault. i love you so much, you're very strong and brave

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