So I just finished really making my new profile here and its an odd, yet so familiar feeling to be back..sort of.
Yes, this isn't Myspace, but it might as well be.
I'm flashing back to my old days of searching online for profiles, changing my songs that auto played to my mood, being an edgy teen all over again and not being okay as MCR played their newest hits.
But I think what makes me the happiest about being here is that its quieter. There's no news or ads in my face, no clickbait, no newsfeed with everyone posting their picture perfect lives to compare mine to.
There's just me, my creativity, a space to blog my thoughts (this one not being bad for my first), and maybe a chance to meet new people without all of the noise.
It's like I rummaged through an old box in the basement and found an old toy. I kinda want to play with it again haha.
My high school, studded belt, black parade hoodie wearing longer haired self is smiling right now.
Let's see how this goes!
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Chaos Conspiracies
it took me a bit 2 realise u can only have 1 pic
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