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Category: Life

April 27th

I think it's time to explode 
like. KAPOW I'm fucking gone

I;ve been fronting fo r 75 hours and i feel like tbh i'm just starting to spiral at this point :(

It's Wednesday. We have two tests to write tomorrow, because I put one off for today and then theres a French test Friday. Our internet at the house is prtty much non-existent for a bit bc the hosts parents are a bit silly and quirky so I've just been trying to do schoolwork all day </3

We also had to drop a friend, some guys barked at me (literally went "grrr bark bark woof") and everythings just been very overwhelming. I'm hoping that tomorrows better, and that I can leave front soon, I kinda hate feeling like bleh /lh 

April 27th, 2022

3 Kudos


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