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Category: Life

i freak out sometimes that im wasting my time

So I have future plans like getting my hair dyed blonde and going to Disney world coming up.

Maybe go to another state for my birthday
But ever so often something stirs in me that I'm wasting my life because I only got this one life and I'm doing what with it!

Some context, believe whatever you wanna believe in but I truly believe that when we die we die. 

So the time I'm here, that's it.
The time I spend with people that's it. It's so limited. 

& sometimes I freak out thinking I'm wasting my life or living it wrong.

Maybe someone on spacehey can relate. 

2 Kudos


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Supreme King Overlord Byron

Supreme King Overlord Byr...'s profile picture

Come to Maryland sometime ^_^

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Thats very possible!!! My best friend is looking to buy land out there since it's cheaper then living in Florida thats for sure.

by Babyghost; ; Report

Woohoo!! It would be lovely to meet you in person :)

by Supreme King Overlord Byron; ; Report


GodOfCream's profile picture

samme i feel like im running out of time

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by Babyghost; ; Report