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Category: Games

an explanation of the numpad notation

ok so this might be a little confusing for some people coming into the fighting game community since typically we throw around terms like quarter circle back half circle forward and so on instead of using this system but all of that can be a drag on those wrighting guides since it's alot to type and thats where the numpad system comes in now while it's not untypical for games to use the numpad they usually do so for a 4 directional system you're joy/control stick and even some directional pads are capable of double that 8 directions so instead of imagining 5 as down imagine it as neutral alright so if 5 is the neutral that would mean that 2 is down so now we have our 4 basic directions 8 up 4 left and 6 right theres numbers on the corner of the numpad i haven't yet mentioned though isn't there these are going to be the other 4 directions 1 down left 7 up left 9 up right and 3 down right and there you go i can now tell you complex ways you should move your control stick without having to type out the long drawn out name of said movement so now heres the catch though this system assumes that you are to the left of your opponent this is so that way the universal terms back and forward are not lost in translation just cuz i say 214 and you're to the right of your opponent i don't somehow magically now mean quarter circle forward i still mean quarter circle back with all of that being said this makes it rather simple to say these terms through text form as you can now put a name to each and every set of numbers here 236 21478 521456985 (don't worry if you don't yet know the name of the last one it's a more complex movement) this is as simply as i can put this

2 Kudos


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