am i getting boring or tiring
draining you of your life
am i too demanding or tragic
or am i overreactive and sensitive
do i take up less of your thoughts
do you still hold me in bed
do you still want to kiss my skin
do you long and ache for me like you did last week
am i too much
am i not enough
am i doing something wrong to make it all worse
are you running
what do i not know
is it happening again
am i overthinking again because i havent heard from you in so long
youve done nothing wrong
im harming myself
you are hurting me
its myself
but please for the love of my god
dont hide me in your closet
dont cover my eyes
dont push my head down and guide me through the storm by the collar of my shirt
hold my hand as i hold yours and explain what is going on
tell me if i can help
dont tell me to sit in our bed and wait until its over so you can come back with wounds and bruises i dont know
im assuming the worst
i know i am
i always do
just please
let me in.
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gotta love that i missed typed my own writings ugh ugh ugh
line 18 is meant to say "you arent hurting me"
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can relate
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