So, I've been playing around with my cassette Portastudio for about 4 months now and I've been fine tuning the recording process. However, I've been recording over old cassettes that are at least 7 to 8 years old. I honestly didn't hear too much of a decay in the sound, but I recently saw that TASCAM, the company that made the Portastudio, decided to reissue a special high bias Cobalt tape designed especially for the Portastudio. They are kinda expensive at $34.99 each, but I figured, why not try them out and besides they look pretty cool! I finally got them and I must say, they do sound pretty damn good! So good in fact, I can really tell my drum machine is an old cellphone! I might have to upgrade my drum machine to something like an Alesis SR-16!
If anyone is interested in checking them out, the link is below.
Kind regards,
The Capt.
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