Ricky's profile picture

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Category: Life


Do NOT interact:

  • Make fun of DID (and other things relating to this)
  • Under 14 (The 13 year-olds I have on here, don't be weird-) [Also, the 14 year olds who have gone onto my friends list, don't be creepy and don't blame me for shit]
  • DSMP fans (I know I have a few on here, but don't be creepy/weird/toxic)
  • Religious people /hj (For real though, if you stuff your religion down my throat, get out)
  • Transphobes/homophobes 
  • People who don't understand alters can't front every day 
  • People who constantly ask the same questions (It bores me-)
  • People who think being polyam/polygam is just an excuse to cheat
  • "Superstraight" people who put pronouns in their bios 
  • People who don't give warnings (Like trigger or caps) on vents
  • People who don't use tone tags after we tell you we need them (I can't understand tone, man-)
  • Fake-claimers
  • People who lie all the time
  • People who don't respect other's name changes (Maybe the first name they chose didn't fit-)
  • People who don't respect other's pronoun changes (Exactly like name)
  • People who judge someone with a bad memory 
  • People who demand an alter fronts 
  • "You're not a real man cause you're trans"
  • People who don't respect Neo Pronouns (Dude, neos are awesome)
  • Promotion accounts (your comments will be deleted if it's on my page)
  • Creepy old white men 
  • Men in general /j (I'm a man, hehe, don't take offense)
  • English Teachers
  • Support problematic people (Ronnie Radke, Dahvie Vanity, etc) [I'm lenient if you listen to them, but do not buy their merch-]
  • Support problematic bands (Blood On The Dance Floor, Mindless Self Indulgence) [I'm lenient if you listen to them, but do not buy their merch-]
  • Add me on other socials without telling me first (Trauma issue, ya know-)
  • Wanna boss me around -_-


  • I do have DID, and it is real. Sometimes you won't get the host, other times you'll get an alter you hate.
  • I don't understand your tone, tone tags are NEEDED
  • I do put warnings (trigger and caps) on my vents/rants, so I don't accidentally trigger you
  • I get triggered easily, so please be respectful
  • I'm silly, goofy, etc, so please don't take offense. 
  • I misspell some things, please don't call me on it
  • I cannot understand your abbreviations (tmr = tomorrow), as I am an overthinker. Please spell it out for me.
  • You have to show me how to do something (Don't tell me, I learn by sight)
  • I've got memory loss, I'm so sorry
  • I refer to my system as "We" and "Us" and if that bothers you, I'm sorry
  • I'm a drawer, so please hmu-
  • I also write full chapter stories and fanfics, so lmk if you want to read them
  • This was also a "More info about me" so you're welcome
  • Also, if you don't tell me you're adding me on another social, I am going to chew you out and block you.

18 Kudos


Displaying 4 of 4 comments ( View all | Add Comment )


⸸Ꭰҽąէհჯ_ჯᎠɾҽąʍҽɾ⸸'s profile picture

I enjoyed reading your list! I once had a gf who had 3 alters but only one would talk to me, but she was the one who hated everyone... until she met me. She convinced Shelly (host) to date me even though I was also dating a guy at the time. I am polyamorous! She was my first real girlfriend and first girl I said, "I love you" to.

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I dated one "system" who literally faked the entire thing. I only met one "alter" named Emily, even though he had like 8 "alters".
It was so weird, and my fiancee now can defiantly tell you that he faked DID (she has DID, and I've met a mass amount of her alters), and it was rough-

by Ricky; ; Report

Oofles! (I love that by the way, so I hope it's okay if I steal it.) I usually say oof! But who does that? That's awful and I am sorry you had to deal with that! I know Shelly wasn't faking because, while her other two alters didn't talk to me, they did talk to others. They were shy around me because they liked me. Like super shy. They did write me notes in Myspace though! That was always nice. When Shelly moved away to Illinoise, and I stayed in Ohio, (she asked me to come with her but I decided to stay by my family, she moved to be closer to her mom who was sick), we stayed in contact through Myspace often because her phone was shut off a lot due to not being able to afford her bill. I miss her. We lost contact once Myspace went caput!

by ⸸Ꭰҽąէհჯ_ჯᎠɾҽąʍҽɾ⸸; ; Report

You can steal it hehe

But we knew this guy was faking it, and a lot is listed here (https://blog.spacehey.com/entry?id=799107). Like, I have a lot of alters, but all of them speak one way or another, but his didn't.
It sucks that y'all lost contact, and I hope you can reconnect with them in the future and everything's okay hehe

by Ricky; ; Report

I keep searching for each one. (They all had their own profile) but if Shelly got married, I may not be able to find them!

by ⸸Ꭰҽąէհჯ_ჯᎠɾҽąʍҽɾ⸸; ; Report

Jinxx ;

Jinxx ;'s profile picture

It may be because i am uneducated, & please forgive me, but what is a tone tag? I try to do my best to be respectful of peoples needs/wants - i never want to disrespect anyone. but.. i have no idea what that is. D:

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An example is "/gen"
Saying something like "I hope it gets better /gen" makes the sentence sound nicer

by Ricky; ; Report

Here's two links explaining tone tags, I hope these are helpful:

by Ricky; ; Report


RATTICUS 🌈🦋 (REDOING PROF...'s profile picture

ppl who dont respect neopronouns get no bitches, its true (I'd add the sunglass emoticon but I foror)

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Lol it's true-

by Ricky; ; Report


はなち's profile picture

"English Teachers"


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Only cause of one-

by Ricky; ; Report