oh but how could i forget the greatest lyricist of the early 2000s... "and i for one can see no blood from the hearts and the wrists you allegedly slit. and i for one wont stand for this, if this scene were a parish, youd all be condemned" "ladies and gentlemen we proudly present a picturesque score of passing fantasy" "give us this day our daily dose of faux affliction forgive our sins, forged at the pulpit with forked tongues selling faux sermons" "the anesthetic never set in and im wondering where the apathy and urgency is that i thought i phoned in" "thats when you stutter something profound to the support on the line and with the way youve been talking every word gets you a step closer to hell" "give me envy, give me malice, baby your attention! give me envy, give me malice, baby give me a break!" it interperets simply as such. please give me attention. please, please, please. no matter what tone its handed in, be it love, hate, please give me attention. please show me that i matter to you. i need it to survive. i need it instantly. shoved in front of my face, served with a silver silk spoon and a delicate dish. but oh, no, not too much. god no. baby, give me a break! the story of ryan ross is terrible too. melancholy all through out. poor guy\ he was a gift, one of the biggest the world had been given, and he sure was delivered on time, but the entirely wrong place. i cant imagine what it would have been like if he was given the opportunity to keep doing what he was meant to do. i wish i could just take one look inside his brain. i want to know how he thought. the language he spoke in was one no one else could understand. the words rolled off his tongue, already tied together in those pre-made packages. hours worth of story telling hidden behind the curtain he previewed in panic! songs.

how could i forget ryro xP
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