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Category: Books and Stories

messy relationships in writing???

ok so like, I've noticed in like romance movies/books/stories/plots all the relationships have little to no problems, and the ones they do have are fixed by the end and they're "prefect" but that's not really how relationships work irl? that's not to say relationships need to have serious problems to be realistic, but i mean little things like one person never doing dishes and the other gets mad about it. but i NEVER see that in anything romance related!! i try to add little things like that to relationships i write, and ive been told by people who've read them over that it made them seem genuine! so like i guess main point here is: have more little problems when you write relationships- problems might not even be the best word her, maybe annoyances?? idfk, but seriously i wanna see this more!!!

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Flossie's profile picture

i feel like fictional relationships tend to be riddled with weird psychological red flags that were definitely not intended by the author though! always fun for analysis, a relationship where ppl argue over doing the dishes seems much more realistic (and healthy lol) than some of the freakishly co-dependent shit u see depicted

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