8:57 am Good morning! Today is the national day of silence, where those taking part stay silent the entire day to raise awareness for all those who were silenced for being LGBTQ+, or just different. It is a very interesting experience to stay silent all day, and my friends are taking it really well and are being really respectful, which I greatly appreciate. It’s hard not to jump into conversations like I usually do, and I’m finding it hard to just sit back and listen. Even when people are talking to me, not a lot of my friends know sign language, so I really can't say much back. I write slowly so they get a little impatient, but that's not their fault at all. What I have noticed is it is much easier to sit and listen to conversations and ideas I wouldn’t have heard if I’d been talking. I spend a lot of time trying to make people smile and laugh, but today I’m just being quiet; I can tell it’s a weird experience for all the people who know me too (LOL). My partner knows ASL and has been helping me learn for a long time, (they have psychogenic mutism, so they learned it to communicate). They are really cool about this too! I’m interested to see how the rest of the day goes.
April 22, 2022. Day Of Silence.
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