I found this on Facebook and didn't write this but he makes a lot of good points!
RANDOM THOUGHTS (9/21/2021) … (It’s long, I’m sorry - but it just kept coming) I’ve been away for a few days but I see – “nothin’s still the same” from the time I’ve been away. But after hearing the “news today, oh boy” it got me to thinkin’. How in the world did we get here? This is the United States of America.
For four plus years you remember, the “progressive” (or should I say the regressive) democrats tried every way they possibly could to undermine the policies of the previous President of the United States; they threw every bogus charge up against the wall time after time and - NOTHING stuck – not one thing and still “these same ones” were given free rein to harass him over and over again even though there was NO valid reason! These people do NOT represent the government they were elected to serve. They have a designed, deceitful, diabolic agenda filled with corruption, undermining our Constitution, all to create chaos among the citizens of our country. As we watch what’s happening at our Southern border, no one in their right mind could think this is OK (this is a foreign invasion financed by a few [these people could never have made it to our border without the help of some very wealthy people who have financed it and] who want to see us overrun and defeated; maybe these invaders don’t have guns as “they” cross the border but, when people are allowed to invade a Nation by the thousands – unrestrained, it is a foreign invasion that our Constitution speaks very clearly about (Article IV, Section 4 requires the United States to guarantee every State a Republican form of government and provide protection from foreign invasion and domestic violence.) This guy, Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who’s pretending to be the head of DHS said “don’t come, if you do you’ll be returned” – so why aren’t these masses of people being returned – all of them to the country of their origin?
Today, we have illegals flooding into our country at our southern border by the thousands, every day; and now, we’ve “brought”, yes brought untold thousands in from Afghanistan because of the fiasco (you have to wonder about) as we left Afghanistan. This is putting our country in a very dangerous and precarious position; we don’t even take care of our own; and now, their rhetoric shames (racists) and humiliates anyone who speaks out against what we see, very clearly – happening. Well, I’m speaking out against it. There is a crisis happening at the border because of the calamity that’s happened at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave in D.C
Who are these people?; where are they being “allowed” to go after they saunter into our country (at least before the “Fundamental Transformation of America” we used to be one – a country, that is).
Why is it American citizens are being called out and shamed by their government, even to the point of having mandated restrictions placed upon us if one hasn’t submitted to the GTA shots (Genetic-Therapy Agent - a.k.a. a “vaccine”; PS – “traditional vaccines work via the introduction of an organism into your system that induces an immune response corresponding to that organism. The C-19 virus GTA’s work differently: They introduce a genetic code into your bloodstream that programs your body to (supposedly) create an immune response” – “something we’ve never asked the human body to do this before.) (American Thinker 9-20-2021; Selwyn Duke and Dr. Peter McCullough).
But tell me, when these illegals are allowed to roam anywhere they want with privileges legal citizens are denied w/o restrictions (no mandates for them), what exotic diseases might they be carrying and transmitting? Are legal, American citizens the only ones capable of transmitting the “plague”, infecting others? Yet these people are being brought to a neighborhood near you – and me. This alone is reason enough to question the current president’s ability to lead. Don’t you just love it and want to cuddle up to Joe when he tells you in just about every speech he makes: his “first responsibility as president is to protect the citizens of this country”? Well, how’s that workin’ out? Do you feel safer and more protected now that we have an adult in the White House?
Still, the previous President was investigated day in and day out, 24/7, accused of being a “dictator” (that seems kinda “funny” now, huh?) but all w/o any justification – as crafted scenarios were created to malign his America First policies – to protect you and me, all to disrupt any real progress. This is how his presidency lasted until the fraudulent election that took place last November, 2020. What a “victory” for the “winning” team. (That’s a joke.) And anyone who says – “get off it, there was no fraud”. Let me ask you, when was the last time in our history a presidential candidate refused to come out of his basement to campaign?; and furthermore, who had no platform or policy to explain or defend why he should be president (certainly his track record of 47 years in government was nothing to give him credibility) – but still, he got 80 million votes of confidence to lead him to victory (really, Joe – that’s a joke too; how in the world does he sleep at night when he knows he doesn’t legitimately belong there?).
But just when you think it’s gotten as deep as it could go, the bottom drops out and something else pops up from across the aisle and we wonder – is anyone going to be held accountable and answer for what we see happening before our very eyes as stability in our nation (and respect for our nation) is unraveling like a ball of yarn; or, are we past the point of rescue and just rubbing our eyes, sucking our thumbs and taking a nap, saying – “oh well” - hoping it’s all a bad dream? Well, wake-up; it’s a living nightmare. (Just ask the restaurant owners in NYC who should all band together and say – ENOUGH of the mandates being placed up on them – again!!! Is anyone you voted for (who was elected to the Congress - Senators and Representatives) standing up against those advancing these anti-American policies that are putting a strangle hold on our very country, putting it in jeopardy of any survival? (Yes, I know all about Biblical prophecy and America not being in the end times scenario but I still hope it’s not to the point of being irreversible. We’re still here and I’m occupying until He (Jesus) comes.) But I ask, why were those we voted for elected in the first place if they’re not going to be the voice of the people they are there to represent - (there were between 74 and 76 million of us, right?)? All I hear is we have to have another hearing, and so we talk and talk and talk about it until we’re warn out hearing about it and nothing happens and no one’s held accountable.
For all the things the previous President was accused of, “impeached for” (how many times?) with no justifiable cause – we now look at legitimate violations of the current presidency as the absurd executive actions stack up while he signed and reversed every reasonable policy that finally strengthened us as country and restored us to a place of respect in the world – and, we say … - “there’s no cause for concern?”. Are you kidding me? I’m concerned (and we’re only 8 months into this fiasco)! Any one of the “executive actions” that signed away our economic stability, our energy independence and our secure borders are all worthy of consideration and investigation if not - impeachment – but, … “all’s well, nothing to see here” – right, Jenny!
If that’s not enough, then we had the Afghanistan fiasco (that any three year old could have orchestrated better) come slamming down upon us, embarrassing our credibility around the world and especially among our allies. How in the world could our military leaders, suggest or agree with withdrawing from Afghanistan to be anything but maligned, --- abandoning (Bagram Airbase in the middle of the night no less) the only place of protection for our citizens and foreign helpers; then leaving behind untold military equipment (planes, helicopters, an arsenal of weapons and tanks making the USA the #1 supporter and supplier of a terrorist organization in the world – good Lord!!!) all along while saying to all those abandoned and “left behind” – “good luck” as the evacuation planes (those we did have) were filled with more refugees who had no connection to our 20 year mission while we were there. In the meantime, those illegals (btw, what part of that word [illegal] do these mindless democrats not understand?) continue to cross into America at our southern border which remained as porous as a sponge filling with water. Look at us, all those tents, all those people – let me tell you (I know you already know) they didn’t get here on their own accord. All the while the current president was forced to face the American people and read from the teleprompter (does he really even know what he’s reading) to make us think he’s in charge; that is until someone speaks in his earpiece – “you’re done” and they pull the plug on him or lead him from the platform! Who is behind our government that propped up this current non- speaking president. We do not have a leader in the White House but we do have a group of “invisible”, faceless, radical people pulling the strings of this marionette behind the scenes?
Now we’re waiting for a hearing of a legitimate coup, orchestrated by none other than General Milley (giving him time to get his “ducks in a row – you watch, he’ll be given a pass). And how about the folks in CA, I guess they like the way things are with Gavin Nuisance; how in the world did he “survive” the recall? (Hmmm?)
Now I’m hearin’ more chatter “behind the curtain” about more MANDATES coming our way as pressure is being put on airlines to “get in step” and require passenger (v) passports (check this out: standforhealthfreedom.com).
For eight months it’s been non-stop, un-American corruption while the elected officials turn a blind eye, holding no one accountable, while more restrictive mandates are being shove down our collective throats). We don’t know all the trouble we’re in … that’s a statement. The question is – do we care?
We like to think in terms of right and left in the times we’re living in but I think more accurately it should be in terms of “right and wrong” (right being the consistent there) or maybe even good and evil. How anyone in their mind could really think what is happening to our country is right are dead wrong – and I mean that in a spiritual way comparing it to a Biblical situation where the Children of Israel were given the choice to choose between what God said would turn out to be blessings upon blessings in their lives if they obeyed His Word or, curses if they ignored and rejected His Word. When they made the choice (yes man has a choice to believe or not to believe), in their case, it was the wrong choice and there were and have been consequences ever since - the LORD blinded their eyes and closed off their ears from hearing and hearts from understanding – Listen:
Isaiah 6:10
10 "Make the heart of this people dull, and their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and return and be healed."
Jeremiah 5:23-24
23 But this people has a defiant and rebellious heart; they have revolted and departed.
24 They do not say in their heart, "Let us now fear the LORD our God, who gives rain, both the former and the latter, in its season. He reserves for us the appointed weeks of the harvest."
25 Your iniquities have turned these things away, and your sins have withheld good from you.
26 ‘For among My people are found wicked men; they lie in wait as one who sets snares; they set a trap; they catch men.
… and their hearts were hardened – even as the hearts of many today.
These are the words of Jesus that confirm the Word of the Prophets;
"For judgment I have come into this world, that those who do not see may see, and that those who see may be made blind." (John 9:39)
There is still hope today but I believe the day is approaching maybe quicker than we might believe when the day of accountability will come upon all men (no, wo-men are not excused, there will be accountability there as well). The eyes of many are blinded as they follow after the deceptions that “plague” us as the world is being prepared for Jesus 2nd Coming. Are you ready for this?, is your heart prepared to meet Him? Are you prepared for the eternal consequences that come with the end of days? The first time Jesus came, He came as the Lamb of God, to take away the sin of the world and offered salvation to any and all who would receive Him; when He comes again it will be as the Lion of the tribe of Judah to judge the world in righteousness – not according to man’s idea of what that means but according to His righteous standards. Man still has a choice while it is still day … Jesus loves you …
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