PocketBun 's profile picture

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Category: Life


This is my first post of course and it feels nice to be writing into the void. I haven't had an actually anonymous profile since my 2015 tumblr days as a young teen looking for vampire porn lolĀ 

Obligitory "So..", it's 3am and I'm awake longer than usual on a nostalgia kick, who knew listening to old nightcore remixes and owl city could make a person feel so much longing, yet so fulfilled in moving past that era. The stage I'd never thought I'd make it past 17, of being stuck in situations I had no control over, of trying to find my core values whilst trying to be someone else entirely. I'm not ignorant in the fact there is so much growing to do. but I'm finding great comfort in the fact I have no idea what I'm doing, because at this stage of my life..I'm finally allowed to make mistakes. The realisation I don't have to be perfect is freedom, wish I could remember that when I hand in my projects. I do realise how I don't know..cringe..? This is. But what's the problem in that? When did we collectively decide throwing overthought emotions and rants into a digital space was bad? Honestly..probably when the fanfic kids(myself included) grew up a bit, realised the bullying may have been slightly justified and either swore to shame others into never repeating history or continued blissfully. Either way I'm both equally excited and terrified for the new generation being raised by the internet and whatever horrors or spectacles they develop, everyone should have the chance to cringe at their past selves. <3

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