
How do I shift I need very specific things because when people say 'find a comfortable position" is that on my back or just anywhere and does the room have to be silent etc etc I just need a definite method with clear steps please

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Holly Neglett

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by comfortable position they mean a position where you're comfortable enough to dissociate your consciousness from perception of reality, so you can trick yourself/your mind/your consciousness, whatever you believe, into believing you're in another one, typically that's comfortable where you don't feel your limbs pressing into each other, but it doesn't have to be a specific position, it could just be the position you find it easiest to sleep in, and where's there no sound so it doesn't cut into you trying to dissociate yourself . and in this position you basically have to truly believe you're in another reality, which is why it should be comfortable, since most of the methods are to get you so comfortable yet awake that you slip into a state between sleep and rest, where you are suggestible to that belief and accept it without your awake mind going "well i can feel i'm in bed on earth and not hogwarts dormitory" or whatever

well i don't believe in any of this but maybe it will help you shift to my little ponies or whatever

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Haha thanks for the advice ill try it and my little ponies had me cracking up lololol

by William; ; Report