They say when life hands you lemons make lemonade becauseĀ you gotta squeeze it to get it out the juice. Even though it can be tangy its really good on a hot summers day you gotta make life and use it for what it is never waste it its to precious to you have to take it by full force and take the chances that are given to you, their are always new adventures ahead you just never know whats going to happen so do everything you want now and enjoy life to the fullest because you just never know whats going to happen next. I have learned alot in life grew myself into the person that i want to be i think i have done a good job being me and raising my 6yr old the best way i can nothing is perfect i know that for sure its not always the easiest task in life its work i say most people wouldnt think that just because im i am a stay at home mom doesnt make it any different from a real job even though that person is making money but i am taking care of another person thats a tough job at times but i have managed to do it myself pretty good i have to say. Some guys think us moms have it easy but we dont we have to deal with the screaming and crying all day and them wanting a snack or drink.
life and lemonade
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