Hey there. I've been on this website for only two days and its already a blast. Learning how to customize my blog has been a cool experience and seeing all the intricate parts i can play around with was mind-blowing. I figured out how to get music playing on my blog thanks to the many guides on here, but when I heard you could embed a Youtube playlist, I had to try it out. I was getting a lot of errors first and many of the methods i was reading up on were outdated and/or had mixed succession, but after a few observations and some careful tinkering, i believe i have found the the right solution! You'll want to copy the code below,
<iframe width="0" height="0" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/playlist?list=[PLAYLIST VIDEO CODE HERE]&;amp;;autoplay=1&;loop=1&;controls=1" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen="" loading="lazy">
*NOTE:Don't include the brackets( [ ] )
then place your playlist code after "list=" Place it in your "About Me" section or in any of your profile's textbox. If you want to make the video player visible, then simply change the zeros in the quotations next to Width and Height.
I hope this was helpful to you! I've seen many others have struggled to get their Youtube playlists on their profile, so hopefully this is what solves the problem for y'all!
Displaying 5 of 5 comments ( View all | Add Comment )
thank you so muchh ^O^
✶liver ♱ (profile does not like mobile. sorry)
its not working for me :(
rodion ⭐️
thx very much :33
heyy thx for the code
Hi! Sorry to trouble you. You mentioned there was a "code down below" however I don't quite see what you're talking about.
What the hell? I'm sure I wrote it in there. I'll check when I get home.
by Raboot_vibing; ; Report
Looks like I fixed it. Check to see if you can see it as well. *Note to self: don't share html code in html format![🙃](https://static.spacehey.net/emojis/v1/upside_down.png)
by Raboot_vibing; ; Report
Nice! I can see it now. Thank you!
by Acid!; ; Report