In one and a half months, I'll be walking the stage of my city's auditorium. Not only will I be walking in front of every single person I went to school with since Freshman year, but I'll be walking in front of all of their families, my relatives, and whoever else decides to attend.
By the time I have my diploma in my hands, I would have to be seated again until the rest of class of 2022 gets their own diploma in their hands as well. That awarded certificate will be the final indication that my high school career is over and the next level of life is adulthood. However, I still have to sit and be patient until that day comes. I still have to go each of my classes, sit in lectures, get assigned homework, engage with my peers, go home, do homework, go to sleep, and repeat everything the next day until I get that moment of walking the stage.
Although, graduation will be one of the most exciting events to occur in my life, the process is extremely draining. Especially since I was a fucking dumbass and decided to take on a full schedule with three AP classes... because I thought I was being a scholarly student. To hell with that. I'm so tired... no, I'm absolutely exhausted. Even when I sleep at night, the only thing on my mind isn't the number of Sheep, but the mental check-list of assignments, if I could afford college, scholarships, grants, what if my grades affect my acceptance from college, etc. The monster lurking under my bed isn't what I'm afraid of, but the idea of failing is. It's very draining and I can't wait for it to be over.
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