i found this through an ad on tik tok and IM BUYING IT WHEN IM GETTING HOME. its so cool!!!! i’ll show a picture of what it looks like once i get it. ive had this otterbox case since the day i got my phone nearly two years ago and it has protected my phone very well, so im still going to use it. i just have to get this case! its also on sale for 40% off, so its a deal! lets just hope it comes in soon and its not a scam or anything :P all the reviews are very promising, though!
oh, and i hope it protects my phone really well. i might have to get something to cover my camera so it doesnt crack when i drop my phone.
edit: apparently, it IS a scam and the same case is on amazon for under ten dollars. im so glad i saw that tik tok comment, because my dumb self would have bought it anyways haha
here is the link to it!: https://www.amazon.com/LOEV-iPhone-13-Holographic-Reflective/dp/B09PBL3QR1/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?crid=1ND8UWB3IGC8P&keywords=iphone+holographic+heart+case&qid=1650148530&sprefix=iphone+holographic+%2Caps%2C85&sr=8-4
casezi holographic hearts case
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I saw this same case online and i wanted it, it's SO cute but doesn't go with my phone! Also, most of those businesses on tiktok ads just resell for a way higher price so i recommend looking elsewhere before buying anything off tiktok. x))
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