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Category: Life

Ok Actual information abt me and not me bein goofy

Ok so I am Sid or Sadie idm what u call me its not that big of a deal to me :) I am 5'10 which ik its an ungodly height. im from northern ireland. If ur gonna follow me id prefer if u were 15 or over but if ur not idc just dont bother me and ill be cool with u. I play piano, saxophone and i sing. I sometimes fuck abt with my ukulele but I havent touched that thing in years. I like space and science-y shite. I like to think Im quite the intellect but I actually just have a teeth-scrapping amount of general knowledge and a fuck load of blind confidence, but I can sure as hell tell u the entire history of denim. I do part take in the arts. I do draw on the rare occasion and id say im pretty alright at it. I also do a lot of theatre work cuz Im like that ig. I like to think Im funny but who knows. I like to eat a lot (im more of a savoury person than a sweet person umami is my fav flavour). I am a tad versed in poetry (my fav poem is Ozymandias by Percy Bysshe Shelly although I do love a good bit of Yates). I am chronically forgetful so sometimes I cant remember liek months so dont mind if I forget shite Im just built like that. I have a cat named felix, she is my one and true love (the feelings arent reciprocated). I used to be rlly good at english(which you wouldnt be able to tell at my abundant amount of grammatical errors) but now I suck at it. My fav subject is probably music or politics cuz they are the only classes I got A*'s in this year. I can sometimes be a massive cunt so beware. And I think thats abt it or at least thats all I can remember abt myself probs forgot some shit but I think Ive talked abt myself enough.

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