does anyone have any good recommendations? none of that goofy jumpscare stuff, what's a good movie you've seen that's given you guys chills. including gore lol. i need recs

horror movie recs
3 Kudos
does anyone have any good recommendations? none of that goofy jumpscare stuff, what's a good movie you've seen that's given you guys chills. including gore lol. i need recs
3 Kudos
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The original Ringu is my all time fav, followed closely by An American Werewolf In London! The original Japanese version of The Ring uses atmosphere and mystery to build up to a very suspenseful climax, and it always keeps me invested until the very end! AAWIL is a horror/comedy with groundbreaking special effects that (in my opinion) still hold up 40 years later!
If you’re looking for some good gore I’d recommend The Thing (1982), re-animator (1985), or the saw franchise if you haven’t already seen them. Definitely super gorey and the thing especially has impressive sfx!
As for movies that gave me genuine chills... movies by ari aster always get to me. I’m a horror movie junkie but midsommar left me feeling really empty and I had to turn off Hereditary halfway through cause I was so anxious lol
Ohhhh and the original Ju-On (the grudge) series is really, really good. Low budget suspense and brutal murder for the soul
by Data; ; Report
Ouuu yess midsommar was good but Thxs for the reply I’m adding the movies u suggested to my watchlist they sound so interesting the way u described them lol
by BBTEETH; ; Report
Btw cool profile
by BBTEETH; ; Report
thank you!!! hope you like the movies :]
by Data; ; Report
thxss loll and yw ofc! :)
by BBTEETH; ; Report