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Category: Blogging

tonightz blog thingyyy

*flops on teh floor* i forgots what i waz gonna blog abt??? ive been gettin sick recently (season changes tend 2 do dat -.-) . suuuper sleepy and body hurtyyy

zzzz..............so tired............

anywayzzzzz ive been in a drawin an writin mood a lots. especially since coming out as aroace. all i wants 2 do iz freely express my aromatictism and asexuality cuz of havin 2 hide and deny it 4 yeaaaars bc of aphobia (thought i waz just ace but nope! aroace!). i knew i waz at least ace when i was 11/12 but ppl kept saying it waznt real and dat i just needed to "grow up more and meet the right person" -.- WELL i did grow up moar and im still aromantic asexual lolz. 

also curse my ADHD social anxiety ass.....accidently annoyed some friends and i didnt even kno it annoyed them until they went on a call and told me. i dont get people ... why dont they just text me it when it happens??? i dont get it . also i h8 dat they think me innocent cuz im the youngest adult in da group -.- like ffs i know wtf the word dick is im 19 years old yall dont need 2 act like im some toddler like jeeeeeez

anywayz ik i wrote it earlier but my "crush" on a friend iz prolly 80% platonic and 20% everythin else lmao . i took a step back and went "good GOD im aroace" cuz i kept like . trying to analyze it like it waz a textbook or somthin lololololololol sometiems i just want a cool friend 2 hug ya kno??? touch starved momentz

ima prolly writez some poetry about thisssss............would b fun i think. also im prolly gona make zero (my oc) aroace too but im conflicted cuz i dont wanna feed into like ??? steroype??? even tho im aroace and im writing an aroace character???? liek hez all bloodthirsty bc hes an angel hybrid and he wantz 2 kno the meaning of life and he feelz things suuuper differently in general . and liek i genuenly cant see him feeling romantic and or sexual feelings. it just doesnt seem right 4 da character ???

anywayz! see every1 tommrow!!!! :3

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