That wretched Porcupine thought he could pull a slick one on me but little did he know I woke up today with motivation to pay him back his money. It could be half a sen and it’d still be in his pockets by the end of today if it meant that I would never be in the debt of that conniving ferret ever again. When I gave him the money back he told me the Ikagin’s wanted me out of their house. Well they don’t have to tell me twice i’ll be out there by the earliest I can tomorrow! There was a staff meeting later on. I could barely focus on that though since all I could think about was Pale Squash being late and Porcupine staring a hole into my head. Redshirt and Badger have such a way of speaking that makes them so hateable. Just like Porcupine. As the meeting went on and on I thought about a couple of things I wanted to say but I couldn’t think of an eloquent way to say it so I stayed silent. I managed to speak eventually but all I said is that I think the students should apologize and the idea got trashed immediately. Later on when Redshirt was spewing trash I tainted his spiritual amusement times and the meeting promptly ended.

Chapter Six
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