Everything aches and stings… I woke up just a while ago and it felt like I got walked on by horses all night long. It wasn’t long into being in bed in silence then Kiyo came in and left the Shikoku News by my pillow. I was too tired to get up right away but I figured it wouldn’t be manly of me to give up after one beating so I rolled over to my stomach and started reading. Every word in the article upset me so much so that I jumped out of bed and got ready to head out to school.
Calling me a certain impertinent party as if I didn’t have a perfectly useable name. It was my precious face that got beaten for no good reason. Why must I suffer because students couldn’t control themselves the moment they were given a bit of freedom.
I wasn’t going to let the newspaper ruin my day so I headed into the teachers room where I saw porcupine just as or if not more beat up than me. When teachers passed by us they looked at us like we were just a couple of fools. The only person that acted the same throughout this whole ordeal was Redshirt as he was just as pretentious as he always is. I wanted to resign to just leave this horrid place already but if I did at this point it’d seem as if I was bowing my head to the newspaper and so I could not.
We informed Redshirt of the whole situation hoping he’d be able to get us justice in the newspaper but days passed and all that happened was Porcupine being forced to resign. How unfair this is! I ought to resign right away from this unfair system but Badger said I should at least wait until it’s a more convenient time. The audacity of that old weasel. Porcupine resigned and we decided we’d be on a mission of divine retribution until we caught Redshirt and Hanger red handed . We did a stakeout at Minato-ya for a little longer than week until we finally caught Redshirt and Hanger. Upon catching them we confronted them and promptly beat them up. Then we headed on home like none the wiser.
We at least expected one of the two to press charges for the assault but neither did so I went to the school handed in my resignation and left to Tokyo.
I’m so glad to be back here I’d be better off never leaving here again.
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