blueycapsules opinion

2 start off, i luv blueycapsules. I just have an opinion on it that i wan 2 share.

Blueycapsules started gud & was only decent towards te later volumes. I JUST WANT WILLIAM AFTON! IM A KINNIEEEEEE. Also, where did Henry go XD

2 add, I rlly care ab the story with Michael. I enjoyed it better when he was a one-off character that we only had to be mildly worried about. Now he’s the main subject. dont get me wrong, his whole relationship with Jeremy is adorable. I just liked it better when our main cast was still our main cast. Phil Guy is my favorite guy and now he barely shows up.
Phillip, Joan, Jeremy, and Dave as our main cast for the win!

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lovelyclem 's profile picture

yeah. it’s slightly dead now (the fandom), along with the comics and the twitter :((

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