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Category: Life

04 (vent, talking abt friends and manipulation accusations)

(mention of su1c1d3, no one does it but it is mentioned)

so yesterday everything was great, went to school talked to my friends went home it was fine
then my friend messaged the group chat, let’s call her elise
she said that her ex, let’s call her lily, was trying to message her so they could talk things out.

now when elise and lily were together it was fine for the first couple of days, but after that, lily started completely ignoring elise irl and acting as if she didn’t exist
this upset elise so she broke up with her

so obviously, having known what went on with them last time i told her she should tell her it was over and not to get her a second chance as she probably wouldn’t change and i wouldn’t risk it after how hurt she was last time, explaining my points making a valid argument and simply giving my input

all of a sudden all of my friends are in the chat telling me that i shouldn’t tell her what to do, saying elise knows how to deal with it and i shouldn’t be so controlling, when she literally messaged the gc to get help on the situation

they all started to call me a dick for using my emotions to blackmail elise into not getting with lily, which i didn’t do at all.

eventually with all of them attacking me in a gc at once i felt overwhelmed and frustrated and lost my shit, and basically said fuck you fuck this and left. i blacked out all my socials turning off their notifs because i didn’t want to deal with them so i just got rid of everything for a bit to calm myself down.

i start to feel bad about leaving like that so i go back to the gc to see what was going on, and i had a bunch of messages from my friends and boyfriend being worried about me thinking i’d k1ll3d myself and found out my boyfriend gave my mother’s number to my friend and MESSAGED HER

i was annoyed as fuck and then my dad walked into my room and i had to talk about it to him and he threatened to move me to another school and telling me how they aren’t good for me and i need to stop being friends with them because how they were going on isn’t healthy.

after the long ass conversation with my parents i explained myself to the gc and apologised for worrying them in a very long message. and then my best friend who i’ve known for 11 years, let’s call her stephanie, told me i was being violent, angry and manipulative towards elise, when i was none of that, and am in fact the farthest thing from manipulative, saying these exact words afterwards “ after tonight I think i speak for a lot of people involved in this that i will need to take time to reconsider and rethink our friendship.”

so i just lost all my friends.

none of them have sent me a message or tried to talk to me since.

all because i gave my fucking opinion

0 Kudos


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